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Australia launches counterterrorism Web site to provide information

Published 12 November 2007

Aussies launch Web site to provide information about what to do in case of terrorist attacks; site would provide information on preparation, mitigation, evacuation routes, and more

The New South Wales Government has launched a new counterterrorism Web site which, it says, would be used to provide crucial information in the event of a terrorist attack. The site provides tips on how to prepare for an emergency situation and would be updated with the latest alerts, evacuation advice, and information if an attack happened. Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione has admitted the site might struggle if it receives a lot of hits, but he has rejected suggestions the Internet is an impractical way to communicate information in an emergency. “At times of emergency we’ve found that the only link that has stood up anywhere in the world has been the Internet and so it would be wrong and negligent if we didn’t exploit that,” he said. “Terrorists use the Internet for terrible purposes — we should use it for every good purpose possible, and that in fact would be that at the time of an attack. It’s a great way to talk.”

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