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Engineering Systems Solutions announces successful test of its ForeWarn Universal Communicator

Published 25 August 2006

Successful DHS-sponsored simulation is a good sign for company’s ambitious expansion plans; test of the Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network an even better sign for emergency responders nationwide

Many companies and organizations, including emergency first responders, rely on local terrestial wireless systems for all of their network needs, a dubious practice if one is concerned about operating during a disaster. Running a network through a satellite, whose closest weather worry is a sun storm, is a prudent alternative.

To that end, Engineering Systems Solutions (ESS) announced yesterday that it had succesfully tested its ISIS ForeWarn Universal Communicator during a DHS multi-agency maritime response exercise at the ports of Baltimore, Maryland, Norfolk, Virginia, and Jacksonville, Florida. The drill simulated the non-availability of terrestrial or local wireless communications, forcing the test of the Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) Satellite Communications Network, which became operational in March 2006.

ForeWarn, light at less than thirty-five pounds, is a self-contained, mobile computer platform that allows for the use of Type 4 or other user-selected encryption over any available communications link

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