F4W releases anywhere-anytime server-free mesh communication platform
Situational awareness is essential to effective emergency management and response, and communication is the sine qua non of situational awareness. This lesson was driven home in 9/11 — but as Katrina showed, it was not driven home sufficiently so as to prevent a repetition of the 9/11 communication blackout. To implement the communication lessons of 9/11 and Katrina you need the right tools. Lake Mary, Florida-based F4W, (F4W) a company developing tactical wireless solutions for homeland security and emergency response missions and homeland security, is coming out with one such tool. It is called Tactica, and it is a server-free communications platform which allow users to interact in virtually any networked environment under any circumstances. The Tactica Communications Platform software provides users a common set of tools such as text messaging, VoIP, Video over IP, and file transfer designed to enable secure and trouble-free collaboration among rescue team members, associates, headquarters personnel, and any other relevant individual or agency —- anytime, anywhere — using any wireless or wired method of communication. Tactica may use the Tactica Enterprise Server, but it may function in the absence of a server too. Combining Tactica to F4W’s TWEB Incident Area Command Control Network and Incident Area Network, Tactica provides first and supplemental responders a means of communications when all other options are inaccessible.
-read more in this ITAA news release