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London bus drivers fight back against spitting rampage

Published 1 June 2007

DNA spit-kits will allow bus drivers to exact their revenge against teenage hoodlums; big opportunities in Singapore?

This story takes place in England, but we see big opportunities in Singapore, the land of the rattan cane. According to This is London, 7,000 bus drivers will soon be issued DNA kits . The problem, it seems, is that many passengers literally spit in the drivers’s faces, and there is a need to track down the miscreants. (Who knew the British were so uncouth?) The so-called spit-kits are already deployed in the city’s Tube stations, and permit the driver to take a swab of the offending expectorate for later analysis by law enforcement offficials. If you think this is not the best use of government resources, the London bus driver’s union does not agree. “It is important for the travelling public to recognise that the bus driver has a stressful and responsible job to do and should not be put under added pressure” by being spit upon, said union spokesman Tom Scanlon.

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