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The most pressing cybersecurity issue

Published 16 September 2010

According to Red Hat’s Gunnar Hellekson the most pressing cybersecurity issue is “the threat that comes from our reactions to real and perceived threats…I see this growing ‘Fortress America’ movement around computer security and the security of the software-supply chain”

What is the most pressing cybersecurity issue? , The New New Internet posed a question to a number of cybersecurity industry luminaries: What is the most pressing cybersecurity issue? Here’s what Gunnar Hellekson of Red Hat had to say:

The threats that I have seen lately are mostly internal. I don’t mean hackers from the inside or hackers on the outside; I mean the greatest threat from the increased focused on cybersecurity is the threat that comes from our reactions to real and perceived threats. I see this growing “Fortress America” movement around computer security and the security of the software-supply chain. When I hear about plans to certify software development, or otherwise close our software development system, I get really nervous. Because I come from an open source background, I am certain that we cannot add more barriers to entry for good ideas into our software-supply chain. … Another threat that I have seen lately, and it is along the same lines, is less about cybersecurity as it is about the way that software and systems are developed. There is definitely a lack of stewardship of government-funded intellectual property.”


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