Odds and endsPenn State Harrisburg hosts homeland security summer camp for kids
Penn State Harrisburg has launched several degree and training program in homeland security, using program a $1 million federal grant from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence; the latest addition to its roster of programs: a summer camp in homeland security and intelligence for kids from Pennsylvania
This is not your father’s summer camp. Nine middle and high school students from Pennsylvania last week were taking a new summer camp in homeland security and intelligence at Penn State Harrisburg. The camp is among the programs the campus is launching this year with a $1 million federal grant from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Dan Miller writes in the Patriot-News that Penn State Harrisburg has partnered with other colleges throughout the Penn State system to create an online master’s degree in homeland security. The first online courses toward the degree will be offered in the fall. A base program for the online degree is a four-course post-bachelor’s degree certificate in homeland security that Penn State Harrisburg began offering last fall.
Penn State Harrisburg will also hold a two-day symposium at the Harrisburg Hilton in September. The event will highlight the work of homeland security scholars and stress the need for better integration and information sharing between intelligence and homeland security.