The food we eatSenate panel approves food safety bill
The Senate last week passed a new food safety bill which would impose user fees, allow mandatory recalls, set performance standards, and impose civil penalties; some business associations are uncomfortable
The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee last week approved a food-safety bill that would change the way the U.S. Food and Drug Administration deals with the U.S. food supply.
S.510, sponsored by Senator Richard Durbin, (D-Illinois), would allow the secretary of Health and Human Services to order a mandatory recall if a food company fails to voluntarily recall a product that could cause serious health consequences to humans or animals. The bill would increase fees from facilities subject to a re-inspection or food recall.
Senate leadership is striving to take up the health care bill before Christmas. While the timetable for Senate consideration is unclear, it may be pushed into next year.