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Unisys said to win biometric kiosk deal with Australian Customs

Published 31 October 2006

Rumors in Sydney say Unisys has won out over Sagem Morpho, Biometrics Technologies, and others; company will install self-service kiosks at Auckland International Airport; deal may have derived from earlier success with immigration detention centers

We hate to trade in rumors, but word has it the Australian Customs Services has selected Unisys to install an automatic border crossing system at Auckland International Airport. The self-service kiosks will rely on biometrics to process arrival-registered passengers. In December 2005, we reported that Unisys was one of a number of strong companies positioning themselves for the project, along with Auckland, New Zealand-based Biometrics Technologies New Zealand and Tacoma, Washington-based Sagem Morpho.

If the rumors are true — neither Unisys nor Customs would confirm — the deal would be the second major recent contract for Unisys with the Australian government. Earlier this year Unisys Australia signed a contract to supply the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMA) with finger-biometric and face-scanning technology. In fact, the two contracts may be closely linked. As we reported at the time, “The technology will be implemented initially in immigration detention centers. If successful, the company will adapt the system for border entry locations.” Just so, it seems.

-read more in Randal Jackson Wellington’s Computerworld report

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