University of Detroit Mercy receives cyber security research contract
The aim of the $551,500 federal contract is to develop and disseminate the knowledge necessary to ensure that the software that enables America’s business and critical infrastructure is safe and secure
The University of Detroit Mercy has been awarded a $551,500 federal contract from QSS Group. The organization provides and advanced problem solving capabilities in information technology disciplines to U.S. federal agencies. University of Detroit Mercy’s project will support faculty in the Information Assurance Program, a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, to carry out cyber security research.
Dr. Dan Shoemaker, director of the Information Assurance Program and chair of the Department of Computer and Information Systems, is the program’s principal investigator for the project. Shoemaker currently serves on the Software Assurance Initiative of the Department of Homeland Security, National Cyber Security Division.
The aim of the project, which involves researchers from other universities and organizations, is to develop and disseminate the knowledge necessary to ensure that the software that enables America’s business and critical infrastructure is safe and secure.